Posted in Fountain Pens

Faber-Castell Essentio

Today’s review is the new Faber-Castell Essentio.  While Faber-Castell has been around for quite a long time, they are not as big of a name in the fountain pen community as other staples, like Pilot, Lamy, or Pelikan.  Their low-key hype is a real shame, because in my experience they make terrific pens.  I ordered mine from Goulet Pens, and have been trying it out for the last couple of months.

FC Essentio Review 1

Having owned a Faber-Castell Loom for several years, I had high expectations for the nib, and was hoping that the grip section was designed much better, as that has been my biggest (perhaps only) complaint with the Loom.  I was not disappointed.  This pen is fabulous!

FC Essentio Review 2

The Essentio comes in three colors: black, blue, and rose.  Of course I got the rose one because I have no self-control when it comes to anything rose gold.  It’s simply gorgeous!

FC Essentio Review 3

It is a very long pen, but also very light, and more slender than the Loom.  The cap can post easily and securely, but then the pen is ridiculously long, so I use it unposted.  Aesthetically, I think it’s beautiful for the most part, other than that black band between the section and the body.  It’s advertised as an ink window, but the plastic is so dark I don’t know how anyone could guage ink levels through it.

FC Essentio WS

As for the writing experience, the Essentio has the same great nib quality that Faber-Castell is known for.  It is super smooth, wet enough to make writing a breeze but it’s definitely not a gushing nib.  The grip is more than comfortable for longer writing sessions.

Conclusions: I looooove this pen, and am so happy to have it in my collection and in my daily rotation.  At around $50, it would be reasonable to own multiples in several colors and nib sizes.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Posted in Cards

The Season of Paper Hearts

I’ve been busy cutting and snipping away at Valentine’s Day cards, which is my first official card-making season since I finished school in December. I thought you might like to see a sample of what I’ve been spending all of my free time doing:

Do you like these? Any ideas of your own? I consider myself a novice, so I was so pleased with myself for having tried several new techniques. Please comment down below if you’d like me to share how I made any of these.

*Note to readers: These were all made in the weeks before the arrival of my Cricut, so these were mostly my own freestyling.